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What’s Next: A Retreat for Burnout Recovery

As mothers we have both experienced a burnout stage. While we have our unique stories, the walls we hit with full force seemed similar in that, we were both searching for the next step in our roles as moms, wives, business owners, and individuals. One of us is a full time work from home mom and the other a stay at home mom for five years because triplets came along. The latter situation was mom burnout at its finest, with a desire to get out into a social setting once the kids became more independent and entered school age. While not seeking a full time job, this mom found some type of meaningful work that allowed her to keep busy around her kids’ schedule. The full time work from home mom felt overwhelmed with the magic show that is juggling three kids while working full time and running a side business. If you have never worked from home with kids, let’s just say it can feel impossible to “get it all done”. This mom had to figure out what was next to lighten the hectic nature of it all. We were fortunate enough to meet with Tarah Keech, a local of Mobile, that provides a unique service for individuals that want to take the next step in making this type of change. Tarah is a life coach for leaders and a burnout recovery expert with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from UC Denver and a resume of Fortune 500 consulting over the past 13 years. Through her coaching programs and events, she helps people overcome burnout and thrive personally and professionally.

What Does Burnout Look Like

As stated above, the cause of burnout looks different for everyone and is personal to their situation. If you are feeling overwhelmed with life and want something more or different, that could be burnout. If you are a leader that is feeling stuck or is still trying to figure out what you want for yourself, team and career, that could be burnout. Perhaps you are searching for something more fulfilling or new in your life or business, that could also be burnout. Just an overwhelming sense of unhappiness or unfulfillment with where you are in life, whether professionally or personally, can cause burnout and many people experience it.

What to Do About Burnout

It is common for most people to not know where to begin on correcting the feeling of burnout. It can be challenging to start over or implement new ideas, especially if life is not stable financially. Ultimately though, for something to change, you have to do something different. The tricky part is figuring out what and how to do the next thing. One of our recommendations is to look for a mentor or coach. One on one coaching with coaches like Tarah can help you understand where you are at, get clarity on where you want to be in your life and business, and guide you with manageable steps to help achieve your goals. Another option for helping with burnout is by attending a workshop, class or retreat. If you are in or close to the Mobile, Alabama area, you should check out the “What’s Next” Leader’s Retreat on September 4th, 2024.

“What’s Next” Leader’s Retreat

If you are a leader, professional, or individual asking yourself how to pivot to the next step in your life journey, this retreat is for you. Perhaps you don’t know exactly what you want, but know you need a change. Or perhaps you do know what you want, you just need help getting there. This retreat will cover valuable information for both scenarios.

The “What’s Next” Leader’s Retreat is a one day event hosted by Tarah Keech. She is passionate about this topic and has personal experience overcoming burnout herself. The main focus of the retreat is helping others bridge the gap between the now and the place they want to be, whether it be professionally or personally.

This experience will guide you as you learn to be intentional and strategic in implementing the next step. You will paired in small groups with like-minded people who will bring ideas and experience to the table. Plenty of time will be given to construct a plan for your next move towards becoming the best you!

To find out more or get your ticket visit:

For more information about Tarah or stay in the know about any upcoming retreats, visit or you can find her on Instagram here.

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