
How to Choose the Best Summer Camp For Your Children

What summer camps are your kids attending? This is the most frequently asked question a mom hears after school is out of session. While this is an exciting time, choosing the right summer camp for your child can be daunting. It is stressful trying to fill up every week of the summer break. We usually get plenty of questions about summer camps. The main question asked being, which one is the best? It is a difficult one to answer because we know for certain there is no one-camp-fits-all when it comes to kids. Luckily, Meghan Travinski, VP of Enrollment at Big Blue Marble Academy answers some of our most asked questions when it comes to choosing a summer camp. She also explains how BBMA could possibly be the right fit for your kids. We hope this information helps your child have the best summer ever!

We would like to thank Big Blue Marble Academy for their contribution to this post.

How do I know if my child is ready for summer camp?

Meghan Travinski, VP of Enrollment: “As a mom who’s seen my own child flourish in our summer camp, I’d say if your child shows curiosity and a sense of adventure, they’re ready. Our camps offer an environment where kids can explore, grow, and make lasting friendships. The supportive and engaging atmosphere we create ensures that every child feels safe and excited about embarking on new adventures.”

How can I determine what type of camp is a good fit?
“Find a camp that aligns with your child’s interests and spirit of adventure. At Big Blue Marble Academy, our global themes and hands-on activities offer children an immersive learning experience. It’s not just about keeping them busy; it’s about sparking their curiosity and helping them understand the world through engaging creative activities.”

What are the benefits of attending a camp?
“Summer camp is more than just fun and games. It’s about learning new things, building friendships, and developing empathy for different cultures. Our Summer Games ’24 program, with its global themes, gives kids a chance to explore other cultures in a way that leaves a lasting impression. My child has come home with stories about different countries and traditions that make me realize how powerful this experience has been.”

How does summer camp benefit parents?
“As a parent, it’s such a relief to know my child is not only safe but also thriving and having fun. Summer camp provides a supportive space where they can learn, explore, and make friends while I can focus on my work. The joy they bring home at the end of the day makes it clear how much they love their summer adventures, and that brings joy to our whole family.”

More about Big Blue Marble Academy

BBMA is designed for children ages 5 to 12, but they also include themed activities for preschoolers ages 3 to 4. It is a full day camp with hours that are tailored to fit the needs of working parents.

What will they learn at BBMA Summer Camp?
“At Big Blue Marble Academy’s summer camp, children embark on a rich educational journey that blends global learning, STEAM activities, and service projects. Our Summer Games ’24 program immerses campers in a different country each week, allowing them to explore Jamaica’s vibrant culture, Spain’s rich history, and Australia’s sporting spirit—all without leaving camp. This global learning helps kids develop empathy and a broader worldview as they discover what makes each culture unique and how we’re all connected.

The STEAM activities are interwoven throughout, providing hands-on projects that make science, technology, engineering, arts, and math come to life. Kids might build structures inspired by the architecture of Barcelona, experiment with the physics of track and field, or explore artistic traditions from around the world.

Our service learning projects, like Alex’s Lemonade Stand, let children experience the power of giving back. They learn the importance of compassion and community involvement, realizing they can make a difference in the world.

We also prioritize character development and mindfulness in everything we do. Kids practice empathy, learn to manage their emotions, and develop resilience through activities and interactions that promote social-emotional growth.

Big Blue Marble Academy’s summer camp is designed to inspire curiosity, nurture compassion, and build confidence, giving campers knowledge and skills that resonate for a lifetime.”

What makes your camp stand out?
“Our Summer Games ’24 program stands out because it goes beyond the ordinary summer camp experience, immersing children in a unique blend of global learning, character development, and service. Big Blue Marble Academy’s curriculum is unlike any other, weaving service learning into the fabric of everything we do.

Take our partnership with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, for example. Through this initiative, our kids aren’t just learning to measure ingredients and count change; they’re raising awareness and funds for childhood cancer research. It’s incredible to see them grasp the importance of giving back, raising over $8,000 last year through lemonade sales alone.

We believe in nurturing a passport to character and community, teaching kids not just about different countries and cultures, but also about their role as good citizens in our global community. We build positive character traits like empathy and responsibility into our curriculum and introduce mindfulness techniques that help kids better understand their feelings. Our Heart Projects take this even further, allowing children to put these traits into action, whether it’s through creative problem-solving or collaborative teamwork.

Our focus on character education isn’t just a lesson plan—it’s a daily practice. Teachers find moments throughout the day to discuss character traits in real-life scenarios, helping kids understand how their actions impact others. Through service learning, we guide them on a journey to becoming compassionate and responsible community members. Watching children grow into good neighbors and caring friends through our Heart Projects is a testament to the lasting impact our program has.

The Summer Games ’24 program isn’t just about global exploration; it’s about shaping young minds to be empathetic, responsible, and curious citizens of the world.”

Describe some of the activities they can expect on a normal day.
“Each day at Big Blue Marble Academy’s summer camp is like a new adventure waiting to unfold. Our Passport to Adventure Club transforms into a high-energy hub where kids, ages 5-12, dive into global-themed games, hands-on STEAM projects, and outdoor activities. We immerse campers in multi-sensory experiences through field trips (where available), world language learning, and interactive clubs that help them explore their interests. My child loves the creative arts and literacy exercises, and they can’t get enough of the Summer Games ’24 activities.

Our program starts with a grand Opening Ceremonies week, where kids participate in the Torch Relay and Parade of Nations. In the following weeks, they journey to Jamaica, learning about its track and field legacy while soaking in the vibrant culture. They then move on to explore Spain, diving into its sports and traditions. Celebrating the USA’s sports champions and exploring the rich cultural heritage of France and Australia keeps them engaged throughout the summer.

In each themed week, we weave in STEAM activities, literacy exercises, and social-emotional learning to create a holistic, enriching experience. It’s not just about having fun but also about expanding their worldview and building lasting friendships. As a parent, I love seeing my child come home with a new understanding of different cultures and a broader perspective of the world around them.”

How do you ensure their safety?
“At Big Blue Marble Academy, safety isn’t just a checkbox; it’s woven into the fabric of everything we do. Choosing a licensed childcare provider like us ensures comprehensive safety measures that go beyond the basics. From the moment your child steps through our doors, we create an environment where they can learn and play with the utmost care.

We conduct extensive background checks on all our staff to ensure that only the most qualified and trusted individuals are working with our kids. Access to our facilities is controlled with electronic keycodes, so only parents and vetted staff can enter, while visitors are always accompanied by staff.

For an added layer of security, we use biometric ‘fingerprint’ check-ins to make sure only authorized people can pick up your child. Every 30 minutes, our administrative staff performs headcounts to ensure all students are accounted for, and for infants, checks happen every 15 minutes while they sleep.

Our teachers receive annual training in safety protocols, fire drills, and CPR, and they participate in monthly safety training. We also design our classrooms and spaces to give kids freedom within safe boundaries, keeping potentially hazardous items out of their reach.

Every month, we conduct detailed emergency drills and follow rigorous safety checklists. Our food safety standards also protect kids from allergens and bacteria, while our bus drivers follow strict protocols to ensure safe transportation. We even coordinate with local first responders so they understand our school layout and procedures.

Safety is everything when choosing a summer camp. At Big Blue Marble Academy, we have a culture of safety that’s woven into every aspect of our camp. It’s at the heart of everything we do and plan because the stakes couldn’t be higher—parents entrust us with their most precious treasure, their children.”

“Our Summer Games ’24 at Big Blue Marble Academy is truly special. It offers children a chance to explore the world through fun, learning, and play. With a focus on global learning and holistic development, it’s an experience that leaves a lifelong impact.”

You can find more information about Big Blue Marble Academy and how to register for their camp here.

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