Pregnancy During a Pandemic"/>

Pregnancy During a Pandemic

Our world got rocked when this pandemic hit and we are currently unsure how to feel. For those of us that are pregnant, bringing a child into this situation may create more fears and anxiety than normal. When most women get pregnant, there is an expectation as to how the pregnancy will go. There are plans for baby showers, extra family time, and some financial planning. Now, a lot of those things have been affected in big ways. Baby showers have been canceled, jobs lost, and with social distancing in place, it is even harder to see and enjoy this time with family. All is not lost though. It could actually be a lot worse and we are thankful to have jobs and healthy babies.

Amy & Cari

Amy- a second time mom’s perspective:

I have been able to stay in good spirits for the most part. I completely understand the disappointment other moms may feel, especially the first time moms. There are pros and cons to this strange situation and we will be trying to focus on the pros.

There are a few positive things that I have been doing to curb some of the anxiety during this time. First, with the extra time I have been able to go on daily walks outside. That has helped clear my mind and boost my mood. I have also been focusing on being healthier during this pregnancy. Aside from getting exercise I have been making conscious efforts to drink more water and eat better.

As I look forward to meeting my second son due in August, I am unsure what the visitation rules will be when I give birth. However, if I got more alone time with my sweet man in the hospital I wouldn’t be sad about it. With less visitors, there will be more time for bonding. Please understand that I love my family, but the first few days after having James were stressful trying to navigate breastfeeding and the emotions that come with being a new mom in general mixed with constant company coming in and out all day. I will be relieved to have an excuse for not quite SO many visitors!

One of my favorite ideas for documenting pregnancy right now is doing the front porch pictures that a lot of local photographers have been offering. The location may not be the most desirable, but in a few years you will look back at the quarantine photos and remember the days at home with that sweet baby bump.

Of course the biggest pro for me has been being able to spend more time with my first and only son. I am trying to soak in every minute with him that I can before he is no longer my only child.  I am certain the transition from one to two is going to throw us both for a loop and I doubt anything can really prepare us.

Cari’s “quarantine” Baby Shower

Cari- A first time mom’s perspective:

As a physician assistant, who also happens to be in my third trimester, I feel incredibly blessed to be able to work from home. Don’t get me wrong, telemedicine has been a whole new beast to work with, but it makes me happy to be able to care for my patients while also keeping them safe at home whenever possible.

We could focus on all the negative changes that have occurred due to the coronavirus, but we get enough of that on almost every news channel and social media outlet on a daily basis. So instead, I want to share a few of the unexpected positives of being pregnant during a pandemic:

Feeling baby kicks. Because of my slower-paced schedule, I have more time to really pay attention to my little man’s movements. And honestly, who doesn’t love that? My sisters and I actually agree that this is the best part of pregnancy.

Spending less on maternity clothes. Trying to find cute, business casual maternity clothes that don’t cost a fortune was difficult even early in pregnancy. Now that I am working from home, I only need a handful of maternity clothes that I can rotate throughout the week. And an extra plus—they can be comfy!

Extra time for nesting. I never realized that nesting was such a real thing! The closer I get to the due date, the more determined I am to organize my house and have everything ready. Quarantine life has allowed extra time to get all of these tasks done without having to do large chunks at one time and getting overly tired.

Sleeping in. Pregnancy insomnia is hitting hard this trimester. Between the countless bathroom trips, acid reflux, restless legs, and overall discomfort, being able to rest for half an hour in the afternoon has been a game changer.

A note from Leigh:

I know I could just say that this whole situation sucks, and it really does, but the truth is you can make any experience as positive or negative as you want. My sisters have both stayed very positive and it is so refreshing.  I have yet to hear them complain about anything regarding the things they will miss out on due to social distancing. I know they worry about uncertainties, but I also know they pray. I pray for them as well, everyday. I also pray that I will be able to be there for them as they were for me when I had my boys. I will be forever grateful for their presence and support with all four of mine. I will also do whatever they need me to do in the days to come. I have a feeling they may be cashing in on all the favors and I am more than fine with that.
As the non pregnant sister, I am missing out on a lot too. I am missing feeling those sweet baby kicks. I am missing planning the showers and shopping. I am missing helping with the nurseries and organizing. I am missing at least one hospital visit to meet a new nephew. Most of all, I am missing this time with my sisters before they make some big life transitions. I know becoming a mom for the first time is life changing, but the transition from one to two (or four in my case) changes you a lot too. I am not complaining. I know this is trivial compared to their situation, but it is hard when I know how incredibly different their lives will be once the boys get here and I just want to spend the last few months with them. I miss them.

If you are looking for extra support during this time or have questions, feel free to reach out to us via Instagram or Facebook: